Listening to the stars with Elizabeth Breckenridge


Whispering into Light (Movement 1)

The stars don’t know I look at them. They don’t see me. Though, I cannot be sure. I stand here, face up. Every night. I am light like they are. What’s on the other side of their brilliance?
If I close my eyes long enough, can I be there and not here? Could I stay? Or would someone call me back, to be so kind, to the children? To be so prompt with the dinner? To be so … me. I want to be so me, whatever that means. I’m going to whisper to them. The stars. Surely whispering into light will carry a message to the other side of time.

© 2022 Maria Hamilton Abegunde

Wylie House Museum

Wylie House Museum is open to the public 10 am - 4 pm, Wednesday – Saturday except for holidays. Docent-led tours are free. The House also offers virtual, accessible options. You can find the Museum’s digital collections available online. In addition, digital exhibits are also online and include exploration of the Wylie extended family; projects involving the Wylie House Museum such as  Call and Response: Creative Interpretations of the Wylie House; and the exhibit of Elizabeth “Lizzie” Breckenridge.  

The digital exhibition of Stargazing is now up and running on the Wylie House Museum's exhibits' page.